最近洪仲丘的案子鬧得沸沸揚揚,全台灣老老少少男女孩童即使不確切知道究竟發生怎麼回事,也大概能說出案情的兩三成。facebook上減少了朋友分享的生兒育女喜悅照片和探訪各地美食的炫耀文,然後多了一些時事新聞和熱血沸騰的抗議聲浪。面對這樣的情況,我認為就是一般的社會現象,畢竟對於這個狹隘定義的我來說,此人是與我完全無關的,我不了解案情,對於許多事情也無從置喙,但當然根據所有我能不費吹灰之力就得到的訊息來說,99%都可以確定我們的軍方是一個龐大的黑箱,藏滿了權力,鬥爭,舞弊,以及不堪的內幕,鬧出人命仍不勇敢面對認錯,反而給人感覺的是毫無誠意的互相推諉責任,這點我是相當認同,也很為當事人的家人傷心且抱不平的,但我現在想說的與這個並沒有關係。我想說的是每次這樣的事情出來,所有人的反應。因為我今天竟然被指責,我是一個不關心社會議題的人。我得先說,這話可能是我自己先講出來的沒錯,但是在說的當下我的意思並非我真的不在乎或者很認同國家政府的作法,而是我認為一個人,作為一個生活在社會的人,事情是有大小輕重之分的,這個大我,我存在的國家和社會,對我來說,我可能會把它放在我的至親,友人,或者愛人之後許多許多,如果我身邊有我認識的人,甚至對我相當重要的人,發生了同樣的事,我會深有同感,並且用行動去展示我的認同並盡我所能的完成能有的幫助,一個與我毫無干係的人,我的認同感降低也是理所當然,我能做到的僅只是將他的狀況投射到自己或身邊的人身上,以這個小我去推演過去曾經或未來即將可能發生的類似的事件,避免或者批評類似狀況再度發生的可能性而已。比起這次的事件,我認為我媽媽今天跟朋友吃了一頓好菜,父母親與哥哥終於言歸於好這樣的瑣事,對於我自身的影響說不定還更加重要。我並不認為,去做那些在facebook上喧鬧,貼新聞網址,上街遊行或者散播沒有被證實過的消息這些行為,就代表"我很關心時事,很關心社會,是一個入世的人",反之亦然。每個人都有自己的選擇,我沒有發出聲音,我並不覺得能被與那些一般人視為"壞人"的畫上等號, 但竟然還要被指責這樣的沉默就等於間接的支持,我覺得相當不以為然。我覺得每個人若能關心好自己的事,做好現在責任內的事情,就沒有愧對我們的社會,社會並沒有對我們要求那麼嚴格,自己也不用挖洞給自己跳。說穿了,現在國家軍方有這麼大的漏洞,追根究柢也就是某些人沒有做好自己分內的事的結果而已,如果你連自己該做的都不能做好,只顧著去關心其他的,在我眼中就跟現在在舞台上每天被砲轟的那些人才是沒有太大差別的。
Friday, August 2, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
details in da fabric
are the things that make you blow?
hell no reason, go on and scream
if you are shocked it's just the fault of faulty manufacturing.
is it really that easy and simple? and everything will be fine with hearts hold?
hell no reason, go on and scream
if you are shocked it's just the fault of faulty manufacturing.
is it really that easy and simple? and everything will be fine with hearts hold?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
cognitive dissonance
I think the reason why i like "Ruby Sparks" and "500 days of summer" is because both illustrated of the idea : what you perceive and what really happened is sometimes quite far different. People think you are crazy only because they didn't see what you see, didn't feel what you feel, and haven't been through what you've been through. Somehow this idea is way too much more sad than the ending of any of the film. I didn't like them just because it fits the reality. (which in both the relationships didn't end up well) It's the craziness in love from other's eyes may just not as romantic as they thought, but so heart-breaking from certain directions.
So the idea might applied to myself as well. Am i really that sad as i thought? I guess not. But i feel like i should feel sad (for an unknown reason at the moment) and leads to cognitive dissonance right now.
So the idea might applied to myself as well. Am i really that sad as i thought? I guess not. But i feel like i should feel sad (for an unknown reason at the moment) and leads to cognitive dissonance right now.
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